French and Spanish Teacher

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IAPS Co-ed weekly boarding and day 475 on roll aged 3 to 13

Closing date: Monday 4 July 2016


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The following are the duties and responsibilities of a teacher at Holmewood House.


1.Planning, teaching and class management

1.1 Planning and preparing of lessons in line with the subject scheme of work. Advising and co-operating with the head and other teachers on the preparation and development of courses of study, teaching materials, teaching programmes, methods of teaching and assessment and pastoral arrangements.

1.2 Planning effectively to ensure that pupils have the opportunity to meet their potential, notwithstanding differences of race and gender, and taking account of the needs of pupils who are:  Underachieving  Very able  Not yet fluent in English making use of relevant information and specialist help where available.

1.3 Securing a good standard of pupil behaviour in the classroom through establishing appropriate rules and high expectations of discipline which pupils respect, acting to pre-empt and deal with inappropriate behaviour in the context of the behaviour/disciplinary policy of the school

1.4 Planning effectively, where applicable, to meet the needs of pupils requiring learning support and, in collaboration with the Head of Learning Support, where relevant, making an appropriate contribution to the preparation, implementation, monitoring and review of Individual Education Plans

1.5 Teaching in an effective and stimulating way using a diversity of approaches and teaching aids, including the use of ICT.

1.6 Taking account of ethnic and cultural diversity to enrich the curriculum and raise achievement.

2. Monitoring, Assessment, Recording, Reporting and Accountability

2.1 Recognising the level that a pupil is achieving and making accurate assessments, independently against attainment targets, where applicable, and performance levels associated with other tests or qualifications relevant to the subject(s) taught.

2.2 Liaising effectively with parents through informative oral and written reports regarding pupils’ progress and achievements, discussing appropriate targets, and encouraging them to support their children’s learning, behaviour and progress. Participating in parents/staff interview evenings.

2.3 Adhering to whole school academic policies eg. marking and assessment, preps and homework and presentation.

3. Other professional requirements

3.1 Where applicable, deploying support staff and other adults effectively in the classroom, involving them, where appropriate, in the planning and management of pupils’ learning 3.2 Taking responsibility for implementing school policies and practices, including those dealing with bullying and racial harassment

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