Tag: clases de español

Content creators who will help you to learn Spanish

Content creators who will help you to learn Spanish

Who said that social media wasn’t useful? In this article you will find some interesting profiles that will help you with your Spanish skills. Because social media can help you to learn Spanish. Nowadays, social media is one of our biggest entertainments. Everyone has a profile on Instagram, X, TikTok or even Facebook where they...

21 October, 202421 October, 2024by
Don’t get lost in the market!

Don’t get lost in the market!

Enjoy learning Spanish  with our special Spanish course “Spanish in Real Life” . Let’s go to the market together!! The fruits of May that we welcome in this spring month in Valencia  are many and varied: new colors, smells and tastes that flood our senses. Now, that’s not all. In the field of spring vegetables...

6 May, 20198 November, 2021by
Here are some Spanish linguistic and etymological curiosities you didn’t know

Here are some Spanish linguistic and etymological curiosities you didn’t know

Spanish is a very rich language and since it comes from Latin some of its words have very interesting etymologies. If you like lingüistics and want to learn more about Spanish language, here a few things you probably didn’t know: The word cálculo (calculus), cálculo biliar (gallstone) and cálculo renal (kidney stone) all come from the...

2 May, 201925 October, 2021by
Spanish curiosities: False anglicisms Part II

Spanish curiosities: False anglicisms Part II

As you may know, many languages have adopted anglicisms: English words that become part of another language. Usually these words have equivalents in Spanish and keep their original meaning, but not these ones. Not only don’t they have the same meaning… some of them don’t even exist in English! 6. Feeling (good vibe, connection) Maybe...

4 March, 20198 November, 2021by

Cine mudo para clases de español / Silent short films for your Spanish classes

Hoy os dejamos  tres maravillosos cortos mudos de animación que podéis utilizar en vuestras clases de español. Here you will find three fantastic silent short films you can use in your Spanish classes.   Alma (2009)   Paperman (2012)   Sadman (1992) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjgHbRrnjhU&feature=player_embedded

19 December, 20164 June, 2018by
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