Visiting the doctor in Spanish

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Even if in Valencia winter isn’t officially coming, we’re almost noticing the cold and the breeze that makes us feel sick. Perspiration, temperature, cough and a long list of symptoms that we may experiment during these colder months. Paying attention to that, a visit to the doctor is very important, more if it is in Spanish, as you would like to understand the professional and make yourself clear.

Firstly, how do you feel? Think about how is your body responding to the weather: are you feeling cold? Are you, on the other hand, feeling too hot? Do you sweat a lot? Can you sleep well? Maybe you have a cold, and you might need some vitamins. Call your nearest health center and schedule an appointment with your doctor. You might be wondering, “How can I say it in Spanish?”. Take the phone and ask: “Me gustaría pedir cita con mi médico de cabecera”. Easy, right? Make an appointment, prepare yourself to demonstrate how good you are in Spanish, and don’t be scared.

Then, make sure you are prepared to talk in Spanish and make yourself clear, don’t hesitate to express how are you feeling, be confident with yourself. Once you are at the consult talk about your symptoms, you can say something like: “Tengo fiebre, sudo mucho y aunque haga frío tengo calor”. Your doctor will note everything you say and will recommend you some medication to help you with your symptoms. In Spain, the most common medications are “Paracetamol” and “Ibuprofeno”, so make sure you are familiar with them.

“And what can I say if I have more symptoms?”, if you, for instance, have snot or you need to go to the bathroom a lot of times per day you have to say: “Tengo mucha mucosidad y necesito ir al baño con mucha frecuencia”. The doctor will recommend you drink some water, have a rest and eat healthy: “Beber mucha agua, descansar y comer de forma saludable”.

Later, when your appointment in Spanish turns on successfully, you will have to go to the chemist and ask for the medication. You will go to “la farmacia”. Make sure you have your mandatory health card, known as your “SIP” and buy the medicine that you need. “Me gustaría sacar los medicamentos que tengo en la tarjeta” or “Quiero sacar los medicamentos que me han recetado”, are two expressions that you can use.

Once you have completed this experience, remember that even if it can be intimidating, practice makes perfect. Ask questions, ask for help to health professionals, and make the effort to communicate in Spanish. We wish you won’t have to go to the doctor frequently, but if you must, try to speak Spanish with no shame. If it’s necessary, take a Spanish talking friend with you to support and be more comfortable.

Lastly, as a recommendation, visiting often the doctor is a sign and taking responsibility for your health. By being proactive and visiting your doctor, you’re helping yourself. Talking with actual terms, you’re being “demure”, “estás siendo responsible”. Don’t make your fear to speak Spanish in public avoid you doing important things such as taking care of yourself. Your health is worth it!



Author: Maria Pilar Casabán

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio

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