In Spanish there are a multitude of false friends that can cause you misunderstandings. Be careful when using the word bueno or buena. It is not the same to be bueno or buena than to be bueno buena. To be good means to have a good behavior or to perform a profession well. For example:...
Present Indicative in Spanish
Learn Spanish in our Spanish classes in Valencia and enjoy learning grammar. Here you will find some infographics that it will help you to learn Spanish for yourself or with a Spanish tutor.
Antonio Machado. El Viajero. Podcast 1
Learning a new language it is not only memorice words and study grammar. That is why in “Spanish & Valencia ” we start a new project to help you learn Spanish through the literature. Every week we will introduce a relevant Spanish writer or poet . Thank to our podcast you will able to read...
Don’t get lost in the market!
Enjoy learning Spanish with our special Spanish course “Spanish in Real Life” . Let’s go to the market together!! The fruits of May that we welcome in this spring month in Valencia are many and varied: new colors, smells and tastes that flood our senses. Now, that’s not all. In the field of spring vegetables...
Here are some Spanish linguistic and etymological curiosities you didn’t know
Spanish is a very rich language and since it comes from Latin some of its words have very interesting etymologies. If you like lingüistics and want to learn more about Spanish language, here a few things you probably didn’t know: The word cálculo (calculus), cálculo biliar (gallstone) and cálculo renal (kidney stone) all come from the...
Spanish curiosities: False anglicisms Part II
As you may know, many languages have adopted anglicisms: English words that become part of another language. Usually these words have equivalents in Spanish and keep their original meaning, but not these ones. Not only don’t they have the same meaning… some of them don’t even exist in English! 6. Feeling (good vibe, connection) Maybe...
Spanish curiosities: false anglicisms
As you may know, many languages have adopted anglicisms: English words that become part of another language. Usually these words have equivalents in Spanish and keep their original meaning, but not these ones. Not only don’t they have the same meaning… some of them don’t even exist in English! 1. Alto standing (luxury, luxurious). This...
Did you know Spanish has the second largest number of native speakers in the world?
Did you know Spanish has the second largest number of native speakers in the world? 572 milllions of people speak Spanish. So…. Why not start to learn?