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As we have seen before, learning Spanish can be a challenge, and many of you are ready to take it on. One of the most effective strategies for learning this or another language is “Shadowing”. This method incorporates a variety of different skills that will help you improve your level.

“Shadowing” consists of repeating what you hear. You must do it immediately and out loud, imagining that you are a native speaker and that you have the same rhythm and pronunciation. This technique can help you improve not only your pronunciation but also your memory and fluency.

What are the advantages of “Shadowing”?

First, as we have said, repeating words and phrases immediately after a native speaker helps you improve your pronunciation. This allows you to identify your mistakes and correct them. Also, you can learn how to imitate sounds.

Then, by practicing constantly, you get used to the rhythm in Spanish, which contributes to speaking more naturally and with more confidence. In addition to that, listening actively while you practice can help you identify keywords, grammar structures, and common expressions. This will help you in real conversations.

Lastly, constant repetition makes your memory stronger in the short term, a very important skill when you are learning a new language.

How can I practice “Shadowing”?

The most important tip that we can give you is to choose the appropriate material. It can be videos, audios, or just real conversations with friends whose mother tongue is Spanish. You can also practice “Shadowing” with podcasts, YouTube videos, films, and TV shows in Spanish.

Make sure you are in a quiet place where you can practice out loud without distractions or interruptions, and use headphones so you can hear the material you are using clearly.

Once you are practicing the technique, divide the process into three steps: listen to the content without repeating anything so you can familiarize yourself with it. Then, pause the material after each sentence and repeat it. To finish, do “Shadowing” without stopping.

You can record your lessons to listen to them and see what mistakes you are making or to compare them with the original recording, and remember to practice at least 10 minutes per day so that your results can be notable.

Tips to maximize learn Spanish with “Shadowing”

You will want to go for the most difficult material, but don’t do that if you are a beginner. Choose audios with a moderate speed and simple vocabulary. You will have time in the future to switch to more advanced material.

Don’t just repeat the words you hear; try to copy the tone and emotions of the speaker. Pretend that you are an actor or actress and that you are creating a character.

Be consistent; the key to success is to practice every day and be disciplined. Otherwise, your results won’t improve, and you will become frustrated. Plus, “Shadowing” can be combined with other methods like reading, writing, and vocabulary. In Spanish, we say “Cuanto más azúcar, más dulce”; when you do more, the results are visible, don’t forget it.

In conclusion, “Shadowing” is a powerful tool that can transform the way Spanish students (or language students in general) develop their linguistic abilities. If you are dedicated and practice a lot, this strategy will not only improve your pronunciation and fluency but will also help you gain confidence in using the language. Don’t be shy and try it!



AUTHOR: Maria Pilar Casabán

PHOTO: Nothing Ahead


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Spanish & Valencia – Private Spanish Lessons. 

Calle del mar 23-25 Valencia – Spain


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