Category: España



What are stereotypes in Spain? Stereotypes are ideas or images that are generally accepted by a group of people or even society. These ideas are often unchanging due to the fact that they are deeply ingrained. Stereotypes are preconceived conceptions of what certain things or people are like, and these ideas are wrong. Stereotypes often...

16 November, 202216 November, 2022by
Five magical places you must visit in the Valencian Community

Five magical places you must visit in the Valencian Community

There are many beautiful places to visit in Valencia when you are taking an Spanisn course, yet most of them are always crowded with tourists and it can feel a bit overwhelming. If you want to know some places that are equally as beautiful but less crowded where you can learn about Spain and the...

13 June, 201913 June, 2019by
Five things you didn’t know about Valencia

Five things you didn’t know about Valencia

  Valencia is one of the most popular cities in Spain and recieves many tourists a year, that love to explore the city and learn about its history. But it also holds a few surprising secrets that even some native valencians don’t know. If you are interested in learning some of these secrets so you...

23 April, 201925 October, 2021by
Let’s save the Paella

Let’s save the Paella

Paella is one of the most famous Spanish dishes of all time and it originated here in Valencia. One of the first words anyone learns in Spanish are siesta, fiesta, tapas and paella, but despite being such an iconic Spanish dish there is still a huge debate around what Paella actually is and most importantly,...

10 April, 201910 April, 2019by
Four of the most beautiful market places in Valencia

Four of the most beautiful market places in Valencia

Experiencing Spain’s culture is one of the best ways of learning Spanish and one of the best ways to experience the culture is mixing with the locals. To do so, you can visit one of these four beautiful marketplaces in Valencia with our guided visits.  1. Mercado Central (Photo by Daniel Defco) Inaugurated in 1928, this is...

2 April, 20198 November, 2021by
The many names of He Who Shall Not Be Named

The many names of He Who Shall Not Be Named

We started the week talking about the Harry Potter Exhibition coming to Valencia this April, so to continue with this week’s magical theme today we are talkinga bout Harry Potter movies. In a previous blog entry we talked about how TV show are great for learning Spanish (or any languge) and so are movies. While...

29 March, 20198 November, 2021by
The 5 best Weekend Getaways from Valencia

The 5 best Weekend Getaways from Valencia

5 of the most beautiful places in the Valencian Community. And the most beautiful thing to see. 1. Morella                                                                        ...

22 March, 20193 November, 2021by

Main events you have to visit in Fallas

Las Fallas is the most Valencia tradition and it is well known that a big help to learning a lenguage is immersin yourself in the culture. So if you are in Valencia and you want to learn Spanish, there is really no better way to start then by attending to some of these fallas events....

12 March, 201925 October, 2021by
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