As we already know, the Spanish language is made up of numerous grammar and spelling rules. In today’s article, we are going to deal with spelling, which is the set of rules and regulations that help us to write correctly in Spanish.
This section will be divided into two parts: words ending in a vowel and words ending in a consonant.
To construct the plural, we must add to the word in the singular the endings -S or -ES depending on which letter they end in.
– If the word ends in an unstressed vowel (it doesn’t have an accent) we must form the plural by adding an -S. Here are some examples:
Casa -> CasaS
Familia -> FamiliaS
Niño -> NiñoS
Perro -> PerroS
Mesa -> MesaS
– If the word ends in -Á, -É, -Ó (with an accent), we must form the plural by adding an -S. Let’s look at some examples:
Papá -> PapáS
Café -> CaféS
Sofá -> SofáS
Dominó -> DominóS
Paté -> PatéS
– If the word ends in –Í and -Ú tonic, then both types of plurals are allowed, is to say, we can form the plural by adding -S or -ES. Let us look at some examples:
Jabalí -> JabalíS/jabalíES
Bambú -> BambúS/bambúES
Iglú -> IglúS/iglúES
Israelí -> IsraelíS/israelíES
Esquí -> EsquíS/esquíES
– If the word ends in a consonant other than -Z, we must form the plural by adding -ES. Let’s look at the following examples:
Ordenador -> OrdenadorES
Reloj -> RelojES
Tapón ->TaponES
Mujer -> MujerES
Árbol -> ÁrbolES
– If the word ends in -Z, we must form the plural by transforming the letter -Z by a -C- and add the ending -ES. Examples:
Pez -> PeCES
Cruz -> CruCES
Luz -> LuCES
Voz -> VoCES
Lápiz -> LápiCES
– Words whose masculine form ends in -O must change the -O to -A. Examples:
Niño -> NiñA
Gato -> GatA
Tío -> TíA
Hermano -> HermanA
Amigo -> AmigA
– Words whose masculine form ends in -E, change the -E to -A to form the feminine. Examples:
Presidente -> PresidentA
Jefe -> JefA
In this case, there may be some exceptions, as there are words that cannot be changed, is to say, they are invariable, and the only thing that must be changed to make the feminine is the article, from EL to LA. Examples:
El intérprete -> LA intérprete
El adolescente -> LA adolescente
– Words that end in a consonant must add -A to the end. Examples:
Profesor -> ProfesorA
Dios -> DiosA
– Finally, there are cases where there are two different words, one for the masculine form and one for the feminine form. For example:
El actor -> La actriz
El emperador -> La emperatriz
Texto: Paula Bañón Mañas
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