Spanish words that change meanings from singular to plural in Spain

Spanish school Valencia Spain

We have already seen how gender can affect some word’s meanings. But in today’s quick Spanish class we are going to talk about 10 Spanish words that change meanings depending on if they are being used in plural or singular when you are in Spain.

Learning Spanish can be difficult, but some of these words are used the same way in English, which will make them easier to learn!

Celo / Celos

Celo is a narrow strip of material, typically used to hold or fasten something (tape), while celos is the state or feeling of being jealous.

Resto / Restos

Resto is the remaining part of something (rest), while restos is mostly used when talking about a person’s body after death (remains).

Humo / Humos

Humo is a visible suspension of carbon or the particles in air, typically one emitted from a burning substance, while humos is used colloquially as a way of referring to somebody’s bad temper.

Esposa / Esposas

Esposa is a married woman considered in relation to her spouse (wife), while esposas is both the plural of esposa and also a pair of lockable linked metal rings for securing a prisoner’s wrists (handcuffs).

Bien / Bienes

This one is just like in English: while bien is that whic is morally right (good), while bienes are merchandise or possessions (goods).

Seno / Senos

Seno is the organ in the lower body of a woman or female mammal where offspring are conceived and in which they gestate before birth (womb) but it can also be the singuarl version of senos. Senos are the soft, protrudiing organs on the upper front of a woman’s body which secrete milk after childbrith (breats).

Historia / Historias

Historia is the whole series of past events connected with a particular person or thing (history), historias is an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment (stories).

Honor / Honores

This one is the same in English: while honor is the wuality of knowing and doing what is morally right (honour), honores is a special distinction for proficiency in an examination (honours).

Polvo / Polvos

Polvo is a fine, dry powder consisting of tiny particles of earth or waste matter lying on the ground or on surfaces or carried in the air (dust), while polvos are fine, dry particles produced by the grinding, crushing, or disintegration of a solid substance (powder).

Deber / Deberes

Deber is a moral or legal obligation, a responsibility (duty), while deberes are schoolwork that a  pupil in Spain is required to do at home (homework) but it can also be the plural of deber.

If you want to learn more Spanish in a personalized way, in Spain or online. Do not hesitate to contact us. In our Spanish school we offer private Spanish classes and lessons,  in Valencia, in a unique space designed for you to learn Spanish at your own pace and with the best professionals.

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Photo by Ron Lach

Author: Admin

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